
Many varieties of cabbage- white, red, oxheart and Chinese-and their leafy vegetable cousins, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, Savoy and kohlrabi, have long been known for their therapeutic effects. An important food for a well-balanced, healthy diet, cabbage is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and roughage.(Kale, Savoy cabbage and broccoli are particularly nutritious). Thus, the vegetable is highly recommended for treating most gastrointestinal illnesses. Plus, eating vegetables from the cabbage family has been linked to the prevention of cancer. Usually available at reasonable prices all year long, these vegetables can be prepared in many different ways. With most varieties, you can eat the outer, darker cabbage leaves. Remember that cooking often removes valuable nutrients, so eating cabbage raw is your best bet nutritionally.

Quality makes a difference               When you buy cabbage, choose only fresh, preferably organically grown heads with intensely green outer leaves. The greatest numbers of minerals are concentrated in these outer leaves, so they should always be used when you prepare the vegetable.

Therapeutic Effect               Cabbage is rich in minerals, especially sulfur compounds and magnesium. For this reason it is favored in the treatment of mineral deficiencies and can restore vitality and fitness. It is low in calories and is considered a valuable nutritional component in diets to combat obesity and constipation. Cabbage is also effective in calming the nerves and promoting relaxation and sleep. Eaten raw, it coats the digestive tract with a protective layer of mucus, making cabbage juice a valued treatment for those with ulcers.

Components               Cabbage contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, roughage, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamin C and sulfur. Savoy cabbage, kale and broccoli have an especially high mineral and vitamin content.

Cabbage juice for preventing goiter               Cabbage juice contains biologically active compounds that affect the thyroid gland. They inhibit iodine absorption during hyperthyroid activity and thus counteract goiter formation, which is triggered by this hyperactivity. If you have thyroid problems, consult your doctor before taking cabbage juice. If you have hyperthyroidism without goiter formation, do not drink the juice.

Cancer prevention               Members of the cabbage family, especially when eaten raw, may play a strong role in preventing cancer. The vitamins in the vegetables act as antioxidants, neutralizing damage causing free radicals that may be linked to cancer. Plus, the roughage in cabbage cleanses the intestines of toxins, while its germicidal mustard oil helps guard against infection.

Extra tip : If you have a sensitive stomach or intestines, season cabbage dishes with caraway or fennel seeds, which will help alleviate flatulence.

Used for regulating hyperthyroidism and relieving pain from headaches, migraines, arthritis, varicose ulcers, constipation and mineral deficiency.

Methods of administration

Fresh cabbage juice

The juice promotes the healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers. To obtain 1 qt. of cabbage juice, you’ll need about 4 ½ lb. of cleaned white cabbage. Shred the cabbage in a food processor as finely as possible and then extract the juice from the cabbage strips in a juicer. Drink ¾ to 1 cup of the juice 4-5 times a day.

Compresses for wounds

  • Several leaves of savoy cabbage or kale (preferably outer leaves)
  • 1 piece gauze
  • 1 gauze bandage

Use this compress to treat poorly healing wounds as well as varicose ulcers. The cabbage cleanses the wounds by drawing out secretions, so use each set of leaves only once! Begin by washing the cabbage leaves with cold water; pat dry. Spread out the leaves and press them lightly with a rolling pin until they are soft and flat. Cover the wound or sore with the cabbage leaves, place the gauze on top and apply the bandage. Keep the dressing on overnight and repeat the application, if necessary, in the morning. If the healing process has begun, let the wound air dry.