

is a health concern resulting due to a viral infection that spreads due to a mosquito bite. Species of mosquitoes, namely Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are responsible for the spread chikungunya. This health ailment causes severe pain in your joints and various gastrointestinal infections. You may also suffer from high temperature, nausea, skin rash, headache, and body when down with this viral infection. So you need to treat the condition as soon as possible to obtain relief. Even though there medications and drugs to alleviate the symptoms of this health condition, home remedies are safe yet effective options.



One of the highly effective home remedies to alleviate the symptoms of chikungunya is turmeric. Curcumin in the turmeric acts as a powerful antioxidant that provides anti-inflammatory effects to help you combat the adverse effects of this health condition. All you need to do is add turmeric to your regular diet.



Another highly effective home remedy to treat the pain and health troubles resulting due to chikungunya virus is ginger. Ginger provides you analgesics effect that helps you treat the condition without any side effects. It acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent and helps you minimize the inflammation resulting due to this viral infection.



Chili pepper is an excellent source of capsaicin which is highly effective in treating the symptoms of chikungunya. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and minimizes the inflammation resulting due to the viral infection. It helps you have great relief from the inflammation.

Chili Pepper


Eating grapes helps you mitigate effects of chikungunya. Make sure you eat seedless dry grapes. You can eat grapes along with some cow milk to have a quick and effect relief from symptoms of the ailment.



Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C content. Vitamin C effectively stimulates the activity of vitamin E. Vitamin E activity helps in minimizing the pain and inflammation resulting due to chikungunya. Also, citrus fruits are an excellent source of antioxidants. Their antioxidant effects help neutralize the free radical activity and minimize the cell damage occurring in your body when you are down with high temperature due to this viral infection. Also, eating citrus fruits help other potential infections at bay. So, include fresh lemons, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits to your regular diet to mitigate the symptoms of this health condition.



Carrots are loaded with various vital nutrients and vitamins that help improve your immunity and promotes quick recovery when down with chikungunya. You can eat raw carrots, add them to salad, or drink fresh carrot juice. Including carrots in your regular diet helps minimize pain in your joints to a great extent.



Including leafy green vegetables in your diet helps you minimize pain and inflammation resulting due to this viral infection. Leafy greens contain high amounts of vitamin E and mineral iron along with other vital nutrients. Vitamin E greatly helps in minimizes inflammation and pain in your body. Its antioxidant effects helps promote cell reparation and restoration, minimize cell damage, and prevent the risk of excess of fatigue substantially. Also, eating leafy greens helps in warding off cytokines from your body. So, include spinach, kale, collard greens, and other green leafy vegetables in your regular diet.

Leafy Vegetable


Garlic offers you its unique medicinal effects to treat this painful condition. You can add garlic to your regular diet. You can also prepare garlic paste, add pepper to it, and use it to help mitigate the pain in your joints.



Coconut water serves as one of the best natural, home remedies to help you have relief from the symptoms of chikungunya. Not only it alleviates the symptoms of this health condition but also promotes speedy recovery. Drinking coconut water is highly effective in improving health of your liver, detoxification of liver, minimizing pain in your body and joints, and preventing dehydration. So, drink plenty of coconut water when down with this viral infection.

Coconut water


Eating apples helps you combat the symptoms of chikungunya. Apples are rich source of mineral iron. So, eating apples helps you have high levels of hemoglobin or red blood cells (RBCs) that will help prevent the risk of anemia when you are suffering from this health condition. Eat a few apples or drink fresh apple juice.



Epsom salt is high effective in treating this painful condition. Add this remedial salt to your lukewarm bath water having neem leaves. It helps you obtain great relief from the symptoms of this health ailment.

Epsom salt

Now that you know these effective home remedies, choose some of them to obtain relief when down with the viral infection of chikungunya