What is Cellular Nourishment Therapy (CNT)

The human body is made up of over 100 trillion cells and nutrition or nourishment is needed for the cells to remain healthy, so that we can lead a healthy life.

It has been proven that nutritional deficiency may lead to a number of ailments and disorders of the human body. In order to prevent such deficiencies we believe in spreading the benefits of Cellular Nourishment Therapy.

It is a holistic approach, which includes world class products that are rich in all the essential vitamins, minerals, fibre, fatty acids, amino acids and various other nutrients.

These products supply the body with the right amount of nutrition and also make up for the lack of nourishment.

Need for Good Health:

The human body works as a machine and needs a constant supply of nutrients to carry out its day-to day activities. If the body engine doesn’t get the enough nutrition then it is bound to be sluggish and low on energy, thereby leading to improper functioning of  the body.

Cellular nourishment therapy program specially designed to tell us that vitamins and minerals provide the raw materials necessary for our cells to function properly. Usually we can get these nutrients through our diet if we are conscientious of what we eat. However, sometimes even a great diet may not translate to proper nutrition at the cellular level. There can be many causes of this, which may include poor digestion, food sensitivities and chronic inflammation.



OX 1

Your body constantly reacts with oxygen as you breathe and your cells produce energy. As a consequence of this activity, highly reactive molecules are produced within our cells known as free radicals and oxidative stress occurs.

When our protein-controlled (anti)-oxidant-response doesn’t keep up oxidative stress causes oxidative damage that has been implicated in the cause of many diseases and also has an impact on the body’s aging process and
reduced cellular activity caused by structural damage.

OX 3

Today state-of-the-art drug-free therapeutic technology is designed to address and improve cellular activity .

This is called CNT


Oxidative Stress/Free Radicals

OX 2

For most people, oxygen is both a blessing and a curse. Humans need oxygen in order to live, yet the simple act of breathing in oxygen results in the formation of highly reactive molecules called free radicals.

As the free radicals interact with other molecules in the body, they cause oxidative damage that can result in the development of a wide range of illnesses and diseases.

What Is Oxidative Stress?
Oxidative stress occurs when the production of reactive oxygen is greater than the body’s ability to detoxify the reactive intermediates. This imbalance leads to oxidative damage to proteins, molecules, and genes within the body. Since the body is incapable of keeping up with the detoxification of the free radicals, the damage continues to spread.

External Factors of Oxidative Stress

Free radicals occur naturally within the body, and for the most part, the body’s natural antioxidants can manage their detoxification. But, there are certain external factors that can trigger the production of these damaging free radicals. These factors include:

• Excessive exposure to UV rays
• Pollution
• Smoking
• Eating an unhealthy diet
• Excessive exercise
• Certain medications and/or treatments

How Do Antioxidants Counteract Oxidative Stress and Free Radicals?

The body naturally produces antioxidants like superoxide dismutase, catalase, and an assortment of peroxidase enzymes, as a means of defending itself against free radicals. The antioxidants neutralize the free radicals, thereby rendering them harmless to other cells.

Unfortunately, the antioxidants produced naturally by the body are not enough to neutralize all of the free radicals in the body. Therefore, a constant supply of external sources of antioxidants should be a part of one’s daily diet, in order to reduce oxidative stress and related damage.

Antioxidants have the remarkable ability to repair damaged molecules by donating hydrogen atoms to the molecules. Some antioxidants even have a chelating effect on free radical production that’s catalyzed by heavy metals. In this situation, the antioxidant contains the heavy metal molecules so strongly that the chemical reaction necessary to create a free radical never occurs. When the chelating antioxidant is water-soluble, it also causes the removal of the heavy metals from the body via the urine.

Flavenoid antioxidants actually attach themselves to one’s DNA, forming a barrier of protection against free radical attacks, while some antioxidants even have the ability to cause some types of cancer cells to self-destruct in a process called apoptosis.

Which Antioxidant Works Best Against Oxidative Stress?



Need For Good Health

The human body works as a machine and needs a constant supply of nutrients to carry out its day-to-day activities. If the body’s engine does not get enough nutrition then it is bound to be sluggish and low on energy, thereby leading to improper functioning of the body.
A body, therefore, tends to under perform due to the following reasons:

With an increase in the number of comforts being offered to mankind, a lot of people have fallen prey to sedentary lifestyle. It is because of this lifestyle that they tend to ignore their health, which leads to under nourishment even though they think they are eating well. They skip on the essential nutrients while consuming all the wrong ones.
The human tongue is spoilt by taste rather than what is good for the body. So we eat what tastes good but might not essentially be nutritious, which eventually leads to nutritional imbalance.
Fruits and vegetables provide the body with fibre along with other essential vitamins and minerals. They aid in proper digestion and are good for improving overall health. But people tend to ignore these benefits and do not consume even the minimum amount of servings of fruits and vegetables required by the body.
As more and people get busy with their work and have hectic schedules to follow, their health takes a backseat. They eat whatever they get and whenever they are able to. It leads to a huge deficiency of nutrients in the body.
A lot of people blindly follow diets that they think would make them lose weight but in turn deprive the body of nutrients required to be healthy. One should try and strike a balance between eating the right food and exercise.

    *******CNT *********


Cardio Care Guide

Natural & Herbal Heart Care

A healthy heart is a result of a healthy lifestyle. Today’s stressful lifestyle, poor dietary havits, smoking and drinking, physical inactivity together may escalates the foowing risks-

**High Cholestrerol Levels
**Respiratory Disorders
The “Multiplier effect”
Having more than one risk factor is especially serious, because risk factors tend to “gang up” and worsen each other’s effects.
Let’s understand The Heart Disease……
Coronary heart disease


often simpy called heart disease—occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle become hardened and narrowed due to a buildup of plaque on the inner wals of arteries. Plaque is the accumulation of fat, cholesterol and other substances. As plaque continues to buidup in the arteries, blood fow to the heart is reduced which can lead to a heart attack.
Heart Disease can also be associated with high blood pressure. High bood pressure occurs when the pressure exerted on the walls of the arteries is higher than normal. As the heart pumps against pressure, it has to work harder. Over time this causes heart muscles to thicken, and without treatment,, symptoms of heart disease may develop.
It cannot be denied that heart disease is a ifelong condition. However, it can be controlled and improved by inculcating small changes in your lifestyle.


Take up this simple quiz & know your risk of heart disease (Yes/No/Don’t Know)
**Do you smoke ? (Yes/No/Don’t Know)
**Is your Total cholesterol level 200mg/dL or higher ? (Yes/No/Don’t Know)
**Do your have a body mass index (BMI)* score of 25 or more ? (Yes/No/Don’t Know)
**Do you have diabetes Or a fasting bood sugar of 126 mg/dl or higher ? (Yes/No/Don’t Know)
**Do you feel exhausted/chest pain within 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or brisk walking ? (Yes/No/Don’t Know)
Famiy history of heart disease ? (Yes/No/Don’t Know)
**If you checked any of the “yes” boxes you’re at an increased risk of having a heart attack. If you checked “don’t know” for any questions, ask your doctor for help in answering them. Read on to learn what you cna do to ower your risk.
** To calculate your BMI, divide your weight(in kg)by the square of your height(in meter).
BMI = Weight(kg) / [Height(m)]2
Getting tested:
It is very important to know the causes which can lead to heart disease, Similarly, Here is a list of tests which you shoud take up at regular intrervals. Please consut your doctor for the same-
Blood pressure :
B.P. changes often, your doctor should check it on several different days before deciding whether your bood pressure is too high. Blood pressure is considered “high” when it stays above borderline evels over a period of time.
Lipoprotein Profile (HDL/LDL/Triglycerides) :
Conditions like high blood cholesterol itself do not cause symptoms so if your cholesterol level is too high, you may not be aware of it. That’s why it’s important to get your cholesterol levels checked regularly.
Fasting Plasma Glucose (Blood sugar):
It is important to check your blood sugar levels at regular intervals, as the risk of diabetes (type 2) increases with age, physical inactivity, overweight, poor eating habits, family history etc. Diabetic are at a high risk of having heart disease.
Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference :
It is essential to maintain a healthy weight according to your height (BMI calculation). The more overweight an individual is, the higher is the risk of heart disease. Even a small weight loss just 5-10% of your current weight will help to lower your risk of heart disease.


Losing weight if you are overweight, getting regular physical activity, cutting down on alcohol, and changing your eating habits would help you stay fit & healthy.
Aviod smoking:
Smoking reduces life expectancy by 15-25 years. If you are a smoker, you are twice more likely to have a heart attack than a non smoker. Women are at a greater risk.

Alcohol intake :
Alcohol can damage the heart muscle, increase blood pressure and also lead to weight gain.

Get active:
Small changes like walking, climbing stairs, being physically active also improves mental health and well-being.

Manage your weight:
Cholesterol deposition in blood vessels begins in the first decade of life. Carrying a lot of extra weight as fat can greatly affect your health. Make small but healthy changes in your diet.
The substitution way :
You can easily substitute the following in your daily daily diet to stay heathy & fit.
When recipe calls for… – (Use this instead)
Salt – (Low Sodium)
Vegetable Oil – (Canola/Olive Oil)
Butter – (Margaring)
Egg – (Egg White only)
Whoe Milk – (Low Fat Milk/Soy Milk)
Cream/Sour Cream/Ice Cream – (Low Fat Yoghurt/Yoghurt Icecream)
Breakfast Cereal – (Oatmeal)
Whole Wheat Atta – (Multigrain Atta)
Manage your stress level :
If you find things are getting on top of you, you may fail to eat properly, smoke and drink too much. This may increase your risk of a heart attack.
According to experts heart disease is almost entirely preventable. Cardiologists also advice how right food and fitness in combination can actually reverse the build-up of plaque and other heart problems.
“Studies have shown that upto 70% of heart disease can be averted with the right diet” Walter Willett, Harward School of Public Health.
Below are top the foods for heart. But a true heart healthy diet includes a lot of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes.
“Garlic pulls down an enzyme called angiotensin which constricts blood vessels, that in turn regulate blood pressure”

“Dark Chocolate may help lower blood pressure constricts blood vessels, that in turn regulate blood pressure.”
“Potassium in bananas and lentils is a natural hypertension

“Pomegranate can help reverse plaque built-up”

“Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, sardines can effectively which helps regulate cholesterol levels”
“This fiber-rich superfood can lower levels of DL (or bad cholesterol) and helps keep arteries clean

