Delay periods naturally

  • Vinegar Take a glass of mineral water and mix three or four spoons of vinegar in it. Drinking this is an effective way to delay your periods. It will slow down your menstrual symptoms and reduce the flow as well. Drink this natural remedy at least two or three times a day to get the best results.
  • Gram Lentils A traditional method to naturally delay your period was to have fried gram lentil soup with warm water. You are supposed to have this gram lentil soup every day, at least one week before your periods. You can prepare this by frying gram until they turn relatively soft. Grind the fried gram until it becomes a fine powder. This powder can be used as the base of the soup, by adding warm water to the powder. For best results, have this soup every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Gelatin This is a very effective method to naturally delay your period. Take a packet of gelatin mix and mix it well with warm water. Rapid ingestion of this mixture will help put off your period for around four hours. This is an excellent way to delay your period naturally, when faced with an emergency situation.
  • Emotional Stress This is one of the best natural ways to delay your period. If a woman undergoes a lot of stress, she will miss her menstrual cycle or her period will get delayed, even if she does not want her menstrual cycle to alter. You can try taking more responsibilities in your life that will push you to your limits. Or you can devote yourself to a new project that can be emotionally draining for you.
  • Exercise Physical stress is also a trigger for delaying your period naturally. Knowingly pushing against your physical limits to induce stress is healthier than trying to induce emotional stress. Even if you exercise regularly and are a normally fit person, try to completely wear yourself out. Opt for high intensity workouts when at a gym. You can also try vigorous exercises like cycling uphill, aerobic dance or swimming continuous laps. Exercising is one of the simplest and most natural ways to delay your period.