Immune System Disorder (Weak Immune System)

Immune System Disorders (Weak Immune System):
• The immune system:
o Prevents the body from various bacterial, fungal and viral attacks
o Neutralizes and destroys the micro organisms
o Cleanses the poisons that could harm the body
• A weak immune system makes one prone to:
o Cold
o Flu
o Herpes
o Cold sores, etc

• Stress
• Unhealthy lifestyle
• Lack of sufficient nutrients in diet
• Ageing
• Surgeries
• It may also be a result of medical conditions like:
o Cancer
o Inflammatory bowel disease
o Low white blood cell count
• Children and pregnant women have naturally low immunity

Natural home remedy using ashwagandha and milk:
• Ashwagandha is a commonly available ayurvedic herb. It helps stimulate the immune system an
counteracts the effects of stress.
1. Take 1 glass lukewarm milk
2. Add 1 tbsp ashwagandha powder
3. Mix well
4. Drink once daily

Natural home remedy using giloy powder:
1. Take 1 glass warm water
2. Add 1 tsp giloy powder, a commonly available ayurvedic herb
3. Mix well
4. Drink once every day

• Consume seasonal fruits
• Drink 1 glass milk every day