Pregnancy care


Pregnancy is the time when mother need very special care and prevent herself from any decease. Home remedies are best to take care mothers.

Home remedies not only prevent any cause but also very helpful to prevent any side effect which could be caused by taking unnecessary medicines.

Having baby is a wonderful experience for parents and special nine months of waiting is real part of fulfillment of the marriage. 

Natural Home Remedies For Pregnant Women 
 Special Nuskhe For Pregnancy:

  • A very good natural home remedy for pregnancy is to have half (½) to one (1) tea spoon of wild yam root daily. This is very helpful for morning sickness or nausea. This is one of the important home remedies for pregnancy.
  • Honey mixed in the tea could help sore throat from vomiting. If you don’t like tea or if it is not available then ginger candy or other food which contain ginger will help.
  • Mix lemon juice with two teaspoons cream of tartar in a half (½) cup of water once a day for three days definitely lowers your blood pressure. If it helps and problem still persist then this could be repeat after a break of two days. This is one of the best home remedies for pregnancy.
  • During pregnancy level of sodium and potassium in blood used to be very down. Drinking raw beet juice four times daily is very helpful in balancing the sodium and potassium ratio in blood. But make sure you have it only 4 ounces in a day.
  • Usually Nausea which known as morning sickness happen in morning but it could strike any time in a day. Soak three or four powdered cloves in some water for 30 min. Strain and drink it when nausea comes on. This is one of the very useful natural home remedies for pregnancy.
  • Ginger tea will get rid of nausea immediately on time. But make sure It has to be real ginger tea, not ginger flavored tea.

Foods Consideration For Pregnant Women:

  • Avoid spicy and greasy foods and eat frequently during the day (at least six small meals daily). This will help mothers to avoid an empty stomach and boost energy levels all the time.
  • One more thing which is very helpful is to try drinking foods rather eating them. This will make easy for body to digest it.
  • You must choose those foods that will keep your baby well.
  • Your diet should be rich in minerals and vitamins. Milk and other dairy products will help to keep you in good condition. These foods provide calcium for the baby.
  • Iron is most essential element needed during pregnancy to prevent anemia. Foods rich in iron are eggs, whole wheat, wheat germ, bran, barley, oatmeal, cereals, and dried apricots.
  • Avoid foods and odors which could feel Morning sickness or Nausea and Vomiting.
  • Drink plenty of carbonated beverages. But make sure these should be of with out caffeine.
  • Avoid junk food, refined starches, sugar, coffee, tea and foods high in acidic content.
  • Eating cucumbers help reduce blood pressure.
  • Protein is very important in preventing high blood pressure. Include protein diets in your food and make sure you have at least 80 grams of protein daily.
  • A teaspoon of cider vinegar in a cup of warm water helps to get rid of nausea.
  • Drink a glass of lime juice with a little cardamom is helpful in pregnancy.

Exercise Tips In Pregnancy:

  • Light exercise is very important during pregnancy, but you must not become too tired. Housework is beneficial, but avoid lifting heavy things.
  • Take a short walk or try to sleep with the window open. When you are cooking, open windows to get rid of odors.
  • Sleep with pillows supporting your legs and back.
  • Remain upright for an hour after eating; lying down can irritate the problem.

Other Helpful Remedies During Pregnancy:

  • Low blood sugar aggravates the nausea, so you should try to keep a good level throughout the day, starting staring from the moment you wake up.
  • Put a few drops of lavender oil in the bathtub and enjoy the immersion. Very good to have relax during pregnancy.

8 ways to stay healthy during pregnancy

A healthy pregnancy is the goal of every expectant mother. Here are 8 straightforward steps to maintaining a healthy body during pregnancy.

A healthy pregnancy is the goal of every expectant mother. Conflicting reports of what is considered “best for baby” make this topic quite confusing. Fortunately, some simple, straightforward, and time-tested methods of maintaining maternal health are still the best way to go.

Visit your obstetrician or midwife regularly. Your healthcare professional will screen you and your baby for complications and offer personalized advice throughout your pregnancy. Ask questions and let your provider know what’s happening, especially if you feel uneasy about anything your body is doing.

Lay off the vices. Alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, and illicit drugs can all do damage to your unborn baby. They can also make it difficult for you to enjoy your pregnancy. If you have specific questions on how to eliminate these substances, or how much your body can tolerate during a pregnancy, speak with your health care professional.

Stay hydrated. “Morning sickness,” or, for many women, “All-Day Sickness” can leave you dehydrated. Dehydration can cause all kinds of problems: fatigue, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, increased heart rate, and elevated body temperature. All of these are heavily exacerbated by pregnancy. Avoiding dehydration can help temper them significantly. Try drinking a bottle of water (approximately 16 ounces) at each meal. Continue sipping water throughout the day.

Eat a balanced diet. This does not mean you should balance your sugar with your caffeine. Instead, eat whole grains for energy, protein (preferably with heavy doses of iron) for building life, and vegetables and fruits for an array of necessary vitamins. Some of the most important nutrients for pregnant women include:

  • Folic acid. It prevents birth defects and can be found in leafy green vegetables (spinach, collard greens), broccoli, citrus, and beans.
  • Iron improves the blood supply of both mother and baby and can be found in red meat, egg yolks, leafy green vegetables, raisins, and artichokes.
  • Calcium supports bone growth in the baby and prevents bone loss in the mother and can be found in dairy products, broccoli, citrus, leafy green vegetables, beans and dried herbs. For maximum impact, calcium should be consumed with Vitamin D.

Every meal should contain some heart-healthy fats (like nuts, meat, avocado, eggs, and dairy — not frying or hydrogenated oils). Fats aid in the transmission of vitamins and minerals into your bloodstream ensuring that you get the benefits of all the healthy foods you eat.

If you cannot get a balanced diet, or if you are unsure of your intake of these essential nutrients, take a prenatal vitamin. Look for one that has high doses of folic acid, iron, calcium, and vitamin D. Iron can impact nausea levels, so look for a low-iron dose if you’re experiencing a lot of nausea.

Exercise as much as you feel comfortable. If you’ve been a couch potato for the last 5 years, pregnancy is not the time to start training for a triathlon. However, moderate exercise is probably a good idea. Walking, prenatal yoga, and even moderate weight training can help build strength and endurance for pregnancy and labor, improve your postpartum recovery time, help maintain healthy weight gain, and reduce your chances of delivery complications. Check with your doctor if you’re nervous about exercising. Also, be sure to watch your heart rate, particularly if you are at risk for preeclampsia (your doctor can advise you as to your specific target heart rate).

Sleep, sleep, sleep. Sleep as much as you can. In the early weeks, this might be very easy (pregnant women often report “passing out” at the end of every day during their first trimester), but will become increasingly difficult as the months progress. Proper sleep not only helps you sustain your energy levels during the day, it helps your body increase blood supply (which can help stave off dizziness).

By being proactive in adopting good habits, you can enjoy a healthy pregnancy and be ready to focus on the exciting addition that will soon be a busy part of your family.

Benefits of exercise during pregnancy

Most expectant mothers have heard time and again they should exercise. Between morning sickness in the first trimester and increasing fatigue and awkwardness in the last part of pregnancy, exercising’s not easy. Here are some reasons why exercise is so good for you at this time–perhaps knowing why will help motivate you.

  1. Increased energy levels. Growing a baby is hard work! Expectant mothers often feel tired, even at the beginning when the fetus is still quite small. It might seem backwards, but expending a little energy for exercise actually will increase your overall energy level. And who couldn’t use that? Be wise, though. This isn’t the time to break new fitness records and push yourself too hard.
  2. Sleep better. Sleep is an elusive thing for many pregnant women. They have a harder time falling asleep, and their night’s rest is interrupted with frequent trips to the bathroom. Exercise can help with this. Many moms say they sleep more deeply and wake up feeling more rested if they have exercised. Plan your sessions before early evening to avoid feeling too wakeful at bedtime.
  3. Good for baby, too. Studies show babies of moms who exercise during pregnancy are born at healthier weights and have a reduced risk of diabetes. There is some thought that these babies also do better with the stress of birth.
  4. Less of the typical aches and pains. Many mothers who exercise avoid some of the muscle tension and pain that is so often a part of pregnancy. Stretches and back exercises can do a lot to relieve these symptoms and give your body the strength it needs for the big job of carrying a baby.
  5. Natural endorphins. Exercise causes your brain to release endorphins, elevating your mood, making you feel more energetic and reducing feelings of anxiety or gloominess.
  6. Reduce your risk of gestational diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends exercise for women who are at risk, and it only makes sense it’s a good preventative measure for even those who aren’t at risk.
  7. Feel better about yourself. Doing active things to make yourself more healthy will promote a better attitude, too. Self-image is a tough thing for some women during pregnancy, and you’ll feel better about yourself knowing that you are doing what you can to be healthier.
  8. Speed your recovery. When you remain fit during pregnancy, your body will bounce back faster. Better muscle tone will put you that much farther ahead in helping your body return to its pre-pregnant state. You’ll need it–being a new mom is demanding, and having a fit body will be to your benefit.

When Not to Exercise

There are some situations in which an expectant mother should avoid exercise. Your doctor will let you know, but a couple of the common conditions requiring this are pre-eclampsia and pre-term labor. In some instances, you may be required to be on bed rest.

Some mothers feel light headed during pregnancy. This is often caused due to changes in your blood pressure and volume. The blood vessels become more relaxed, reducing blood pressure and although normal, can cause dizziness. In some cases this can make exercise unsafe, or should be done with caution. If you notice dizziness, take it nice and slow when changing positions, and be sure you are getting plenty of water.


 Worrying About Pain During

Labor? Tips To Prepare For


Childbirth includes both labor (the process of birth) and delivery (the birth itself); it refers to the complete process where an infant makes its way from the womb down the birth canal to the outside world.

Childbirth is a wonderful experience for a woman, but for those who are experiencing it for the first time, there may be a little bit of uncertainty.

For others, the pain of labor and delivery is one of the major things of childbirth that worry about having a baby.

Although it is expected to have labor with relatively little pain, the best thing that you can do is to prepare yourself for the pain during labor and delivery and also prepare some easy approaches for managing it.

One of the best ways to overcome the pain of labor is to lessen your anxiety regarding the pain because it guarantees you that coping with the pain is achievable when the time comes.

Mostly, the pain during labor (childbirth) occurs due to uterine muscle contractions and through pressure on the cervix. This pain exhibits itself as cramping in the abdomen, groin, and back, tiredness, achy feeling all over. You may also experience pain in your sides or thighs as well.

The pain during labor also increases pressure on the bladder and bowels near the baby’s head and the stretching of the birth canal and even vagina.

The pain during labor varies from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy. According to cases, it sometimes resembles menstrual cramps or severe pressure or a feeling of diarrhea cramps.

If it is for the first-time, then your pain of labor will be given a higher rating than women who’ve had babies before.

You cannot determine the intensity of labor pain to seek a pain management. It always depends upon the recurring nature and the duration of pain with each contraction.

Acupressure Points to Induce Labor

Stimulation of pressure points is one of the most effective and safest techniques for inducing labor. A pregnant woman has certain spots in her body, which when pressed gently, may stimulate uterine contractions. Maternity acupressure is well-known to ease and smoothen the process of childbirth.

Always RememberAcupressure points which are used for labor induction should not be used during the 36 weeks of pregnancy, and should only be done to induce labor after the 37th week or passing of the due date.

Each acupressure point explained in this article, is also used to treat different ailments, as mentioned below, but should not be used to treat those conditions on an expecting mother.

What is Acupressure?

Acupressure is a very old Chinese healing art developed around 4,500 years ago. It is a procedure used for healing and curing different types of ailments, using fingers and applying pressure on the various points, which gradually stimulates the body’s self-healing capabilities. This method influences the energies and gives positive vibes to the twelve meridians that a human body has.

5 Most Effective Points
Spleen 6 (SP 6)
spleen 6
  • » Chinese Name – ‘San Yin Jiao’ (Three Yin Intersection or Life Support)
  • » Position – This is a point where three yin channels meet, i.e., kidney, spleen and liver. This point is located on the inner side of the leg, between the Achilles tendon and the ankle bone, four-fingers width upwards from the ankle bone and on the back side of the shin bone.
  • » Role – Firmly press this point by rubbing it for several minutes, every hour. This procedure might help in expansion of the cervix and toning the contractions. It may also stimulate the baby to move downwards into the pelvis.
  • » Other Ailments – This point is also used in treating sleep disorders, menstrual cramps, abdominal pain, gynecological issues, urinary infections, anxiety, diarrhea, digestive problems, and emotional instabilities. It nurtures the blood vessels as well.
Bladder 32 (UB 32)
bladder 32
  • » Chinese Name – ‘Ci Liao’ (Second Bone Hole)
  • » Position – It is located on either sides of the body’s median, in the little hole on the sacrum, behind the superior iliac spine, in the second sacral hiatus. You can feel this point as a small dimple above the top of the buttock bend.
  • » Role – Using the thumb, apply firm pressure from this point vertically downward till the buttocks. Repeat this procedure for around five to six minutes. It helps in regulating the lower abdomen and the pelvic area and hence, elevates labor. This pressure point can be used in combination with bladder 31, 33, and 34 points (all located in the little holes on the sacrum).
  • » Other Ailments – Stimulating this pressure point helps in curing problems related to gynecology like painful menses and leukorrhea (white mucus discharge from vagina, indicating infection), poor blood circulation, urinary tract related disorders, etc.
Large Intestine 4 (LI 4)
LI 4
  • » Chinese Name – ‘Hoku’ or ‘Hegu’ (Union Valley or Great Eliminator)
  • » Position – It lies in the webbing between the thumb and the index finger. It is exactly located at the juncture of these two finger bones.
  • » Role – Apply pressure and gently massage this point. Rubbing this point for a few minutes would stimulate contractions. A part of the uterus which is bordered by the large intestine is affected by this pressure point. Hoku, when pressed on steadily during labor, eases pain.
  • » Other Ailments – This point is very effective for the head, face and mouth and is used for the treatment of headaches, fever, sore eyes and throat, sinus-related problems, allergies, etc. It also reduces shoulder and arm pain.
Gallbladder 21 (GB 21)
gallbladder 21
  • » Chinese Name – ‘Jian Jing’ (Shoulder Well)
  • » Position – This pressure point is located at the stem of the neck and at the peak of the shoulder (acromial process) on either sides of the body and it is also very tender.
  • » Role – Place your thumbs or elbows at this point and by pressing it firmly, stimulate it downwards. GB 21 has proven to be helpful in pushing down the retained placenta and relaxing the mother.
  • » Other Ailments – This pressure point is also used in curing other ailments like headaches, muscle tension, asthma, spasms, etc.
Bladder 60 (UB 60)
bladder 60
  • » Chinese Name – ‘Kun Lun’ (Kunlun Mountains)
  • » Position – It is located in the back of the foot, at the center of the ankle and Achilles tendon.
  • » Role – Apply firm and steady pressure using either the thumb or hold your ankle with the thumb’s grip and use your knuckles to apply pressure. This particular point helps in expelling the placenta and easing labor.
  • » Other Ailments – UB 60 is also useful in curing chronic backache, dizziness, infantile paroxysm, and any kind of swelling and pain in the ankle.

Apart from the most effective acupressure points mentioned above, a few other points which also help in easing the birth procedure are as follows:

1. » Liver 3 (Tai Chong) – It is located in the depression lateral to the joints of the first and the second metatarsals.

2. » Kidney 1 (Yong Quan) – It is located near the top third sole of the foot, and it can be spotted clearly when the foot is flexed towards the ankle.

3. » Bladder 67 (Zhi Yin) – It is located at the extreme outside corner of the little toe.

4. » Pericardium 8 (Lao Gong) – Located right at the center of the palm, in between the second and the third metacarpal bones, it can be spotted easily when the middle finger is bent towards the palm.

When to Use It

There are three main situations when you can make use of pressure points to induce labor. The very first and the most general situation is when the due date for delivery has passed and the baby is still in the womb. The second situation is when the mother is in labor and wants to strengthen the contractions. In the third case, the amniotic fluid should have broken before the commencement of active labor. Make sure that you are using maternity acupressure only when your condition matches with any of the situations mentioned above. Never use it before you have completed all the stages of pregnancy and it is absolutely safe for you to deliver the baby.

Its Role in Labor Induction

Acupressure is one of the most effective and natural ways of labor induction. The technique makes use of pressure points to induce labor. When the expecting mother receives pressure on the specific labor points, the blood flow is stimulated and helps the baby to descend into the pelvis. Maternity acupressure encourages the baby to get into the position for delivery. It also stimulates the baby to dilate the cervix and initiate contractions. Use of acupressure points to induce labor has an additional advantage of relieving labor pains. This technique is preferred over medical induction as it is absolutely free of side effects and is safe for both the mother and her baby.

Delivery of Babies


  • Pregnant women should freely take lemon juice sherbet (nimbu paani) from the 4th month onwards to ensure easy delivery.
  • Some pregnant women get false pains during the 8th month itself. On such occasions grind a few corrainder seeds (sabut dhaniya) with the water in which rice has been washed. Give 1 spoonful of this to the patient several times. The pains will subside and the womb will return to normal.
  • Mix 3 teaspoon lemon juice, ¼ teaspoon powdered black pepper and 1 teaspoon honey in 1 cup water. Drink for 3 months.
  • One teaspoon of desi ghee added to a glass of hot milk, consumed in the last month of pregnancy, makes delivery fast and easier.
  • To lighten the post delivery stretch marks on the body, apply olive oil after bath, on areas which are affected. You should start this treatment in the third month of pregnancy.
Lactation in mothers


  • Breast feeding helps the womb to shrink back to its normal size more quickly.
  • Frequently, cook raw papayas (kacha papita) and eat.
  • Half teaspoon finely ground cinnamom (dalchini) taken every night along with 1 cup milk.
  • A pinch of powdered cinnamom (dalchini) mixed with a little honey should be taken every night. It not only increases secretion of breast milk, but also checks early release of ova after child birth, delays occurrence of menstruation and prevents early conception.
  • Mix together 1 teaspoon each cumin (jeera) powder and sugar and take with warm milk after dinner every day for a few days.
  • Boil 2 teaspoons cumin (jeera) seeds in ½ cup water. Filter. Mix in ½ cup milk and 1 teaspoon honey. Drink once a day for a few days.
  • Boil 2 teaspoons fennel seeds (saunf) in barley water and take twice or thrice a day.
  • Grind a handful of bitter gourd (karela) leaves into a fine paste and apply on breasts.
  • Grind together ½ cup cumin seeds (jeera), ½ cup aniseeds (saunf) and ½ cup sugar candy (mishri) to a powder. Have 1 teaspoon of it with milk, three times a day.
  • A khichri like mixture prepared from roasted fenugreek seeds (bhuna methi daana), milk and sugar is given to increase breast milk.


Tie warmed leaves of dhatura on the breasts