Recurrent Miscarriages

How to Decrease the Chance of Recurrent Miscarriages

Natural therapies are a great option for helping to support your body and prepare for pregnancy. As with any approach to trying to decrease the chance of miscarriage there are no guarantees, but these steps will help to nourish and support the body, inviting a healthy pregnancy to occur.

Preparing ahead of time for your pregnancy is also important for decreasing the chances of a miscarriage, these steps must be in practice for at least 3 months before you become pregnant again. If you are currently experiencing a miscarriage contact your doctor or midwife right away.


1. Prepare for Conception

The first step is to prepare your body with fertility cleansing. Fertility cleansing helps to support the liver in cleansing the body of old toxins and excess hormones while encouraging the uterus to cleanse itself of ‘old’ contents, increasing uterine circulation and tone.

2. Eat a Nutrient Dense Fertility Diet

The next step is to nourish and build up your body to be a healthy, baby-friendly body. This can easily be done through eating a nutrient dense Fertility Diet. What you eat has an impact on:

  • The health of your eggs
  • Your hormonal balance
  • Creates a healthy placenta
  • Decreases chances of a miscarriage
  • Builds nutrient storage for baby
  • Creates healthy reproductive system


You will want to make sure you are eating a fertility diet consistently for at least 90 days before you begin trying to conceive for your best chances of creating a healthy pregnancy. You can learn how to eat a nutrient dense fertility diet here.

3. Build a Healthy Foundation

One of the major foundational steps to increasing your changes of having a healthy pregnancy is to take some basic vitamins, minerals, and EFA’s. There are specific vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a healthy reproductive system, hormonal balance, and ovulation.

Building a healthy foundation is a two punch step. You will want to be taking a multivitamin and omega 3 supplements. But the key here is not to just take any multivitamin. The best multivitamin to take for fertility and pregnancy is a prenatal multivitamin. But be careful when you are choosing which one to take. NOT ALL SUPPLEMENTS ARE CREATED EQUAL. Make sure you are taking a whole food prenatal multivitamin. You also need to make sure your prenatal vitamin contains B6, B12 and folic acid (folate). This combination has been shown to help prevent miscarriages due to high homocysteine levels.

Essential fatty acids are also extremely important for miscarriage prevention through creating a healthy body. EFA’s, specifically omega 3’s, are responsible for many fertility actions. But specifically for aiding in possibly preventing miscarriage – they help to reduce inflammation, aiding in hormone production and hormone balance.

4. Apply Fertility or Abdominal Massage

Another important element of promoting a healthy conception is to increase the circulation to the uterus. From our daily lifestyles of not exercising enough and sitting at a desk all day an decrease the circulation to the uterus. The left leg and the uterus share the same major artery with most of the blood going to the legs, especially when we live in a stressful state of fight or flight (our bodies sends all the blood to the muscles and brain in preparation for running away or fighting), the circulation to the uterus will be compromised.

There are three options for massage when it comes to supporting reproductive circulation. You can find a massage therapist who specializes in abdominal massage (or better yet a fertility massage therapist, you can book a consultation with a Mayan Abdominal Practitioner, or you can learn how to apply Self Fertility Massage™ at home.

Through applying a simple massage method called Self Fertility Massage you are able to increase the circulation to the uterus, clear adhesions, clear congestion (if you have endometriosis, PCOS, clotty and dark periods, and heavy cramps during your period, I am talking to you). You will want to add this technique to your program.

5. Herb & Supplement Program for Recurrent Miscarriage

*Note: These are traditional therapies for miscarriage. There are no guarantees being made that they will stop a miscarriage. Most miscarriages are meant to happen due to issues with the fetus. These herbs will not stop a miscarriage that is meant to happen. They are helpful with miscarriages that are caused from stress, poor diet, trauma, weak uterine muscles, or low progesterone levels. Herbs help to provide extra nourishment and strength needed to nourish a depleted body. Please consult with your doctor or midwife when using these natural options, especially if you are under treatment for recurrent miscarriage already. If you think you are having a miscarriage consult your doctor right away.

General tips for preventing miscarriage…

  • Bed rest and removal of stress factors is the most important first step to take. Get off of your feet.
  • Vitamin E in amounts up to 600I.U per day (use only 50 IU if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes)


If your recurrent miscarriages are due to any of these three reasons, there are natural remedies that have been shown to help decrease the chances recurrent miscarriages.

* Immunological
* Hormonal ( low progesterone)
* Chromosomal (you could have some impact, it matters if it is the egg)



How to Prevent Recurrent Miscarriages

  • 10 Editors

  • Edited 46 weeks ago

For most people getting pregnant and carrying it to term (37-40 weeks) is not a problem. About 10-15 percent will experience miscarriage and most of them occurring in the first 3 months. To happen once is enough to cause mental trauma, and if it keeps on recurring , it is devastating and can ruin your marriage. Some people have up to 10-12 times early pregnancy miscarriages.



  1. 1

    See your gynecologist specialist as soon as you missed period and confirmed positive pregnancy test.

  2. 2

    Refrain from sexual intercourse until you get further advice from your doctor.

  3. 3

    Have your doctor perform a very careful evaluation, thorough examination and relevant laboratory investigation to find any possible cause. Sometimes your doctor will be able to identify the cause right away, but occasionally it will be harder because it may be due to genetic or chromosomal defects or there may be multiple factors interacting.

    • Some of the treatment approach is scientific especially if your doctor detects any disease in the uterus or ovaries, such as endometriosis with retroverted uterus, fibroids, polycystic ovaries, infections in the blood such as CMV virus, toxoplasmosis. These conditions are treated surgically or appropriate medications.
  4. 4

    Ask your doctor about therapy focused on improving a patients’ immunity by giving some immune boosters and supplements. This is a fresh food and fertility diet. One of the factors that may be causing miscarriage is low immunity and excessive toxins in the body. As such, increasing antioxidants and high dose vitamins C, E, will help.

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    Improve your environment. Do this with the aim of reducing physical and mental stress especially work related. Reduce exposure to external toxins, pollutants, and dangerous chemicals.

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    Ask about hormone support. One of the factors causing early miscarriage may be a lack of progesterone.

    • A progesterone hormone in the form of injection or tablets in the first 3 months of pregnancy may help.
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    Take multivitamins. Suitable ones include folic acid , vitamin C 1 gram, and vitamin E 400-800 IU daily.

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    Use immune boosters. Black seeds (habbatus sauda), antioxidants derived from fruits, berries and vegetable extracts.

  9. 9

    Get enough rest. Rest is crucial. Be liberal about it, take maximum rest, and if necessary, stay in bed. Hospitalise if need be, especially where you’ve had recurrent miscarriages. At the very least, stay at home.

  10. Avoid exposure to insecticides, chemical sprays (disinfectant, deodorant etc), paints, gaseous fumes. Minimise the use of plastic and Styrofoam utensils.


Cut down caffeine, including tea and soda. You can try decaf versions of your favorite drink (but be warned, they do have a small amount of caffeine still), or even try “herbal coffees”, which are caffeine-free tea drinks that imitate coffee flavor.