Trigger Finger

Natural Trigger Finger Remedies

A condition that involves the locking and trigger-like release of one of the fingers, trigger finger can be uncomfortable and even painful. The condition can be treated using a variety of methods including acupuncture, stretches and exercises as well as dietary changes. Likewise, nutritional supplements support the effective functioning of the muscles and ligaments of the body and effectively treat the condition.

What is Trigger Finger?

Also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, trigger finger occurs as one of the fingers or thumbs gets stuck in a bent position and straightens with a sudden snap – like a trigger. The cause of the condition is the narrowing of the sheath that surrounds the tendon in the affected finger and is often accompanied by inflammation, scarring and thickening of the tissue in the area.

Natural Remedies for Stenosing Tenosynovitis

A variety of treatments are effective for managing trigger finger. Common treatments include acupuncture, physical therapy, daily exercises and others. Nutritional supplements including bromelain, fish oil, aloe vera and others also treat the condition by lubricating the joints and relieving inflammation.


An enzyme found in pineapple juice, bromelain has a variety of medicinal purposes. The chemicals in bromelain stimulate the body to produce natural substances that relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Additionally, the compound aids in the removal of dead and damaged tissue, which may help treat the underlying cause of trigger finger.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is a natural source of omega- 3 fats. These fats function to lubricate the joints and restore damaged nerve tissue. This fat chain also reduces inflammation that is often associated with the condition.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera functions primarily in relieving inflammation associated with trigger finger. Applied to the affected area or taken as a supplement, aloe vera delivers over 12 substances, including B-sisterole, which inhibit inflammation and reduce the stiffness and soreness in painful joints. The compound also contains a variety of other vitamins and minerals that promote overall wellness.

More common in women and in individuals with diabetes, trigger finger varies depending on the severity of the specific case. Nonetheless, the condition is often painful but can be effectively treated using a combination of nutritional supplements and exercises.