Balance Buttons Therapy

                                       Balance Buttons Therapy

The Balance Buttons provide a quick balance for all three dimensions: left/right, top/bottom, and back/front. Restoring balance to the occiput and the inner-ear area helps to normalize the whole body. The participant holds the Balance Buttons, located just above the indentation where the skull rests over the neck (about one and one-half to two inches to each side of the back midline) and just behind the mastoid area.

Instructions– The participant holds Balance Buttons while holding the navel with the other hand for about thirty seconds, then changes hands to hold the other Balance Button. The chin is tucked in; the head is level. Use two or more fingers to assure that the point is covered. Some people may experience a pulsation when the point is stimulated or held.

Variations: Do the activity while standing, sitting, or lying down. Stimulate the points by massage before holding them. Press you head gently back into your fingers while holding the points, releasing neck tension or headache.

Activates the Brain for: Alertness and focus by stimulating the semicircular canals and reticular system. Decision-making, concentrating, and associative thinking. Changing visual focus from point to point. Increased proprioception for balance and equilibrium. Relaxed jaw and cranial movement

Behavioral / Postural Correlates: A sense of well being. An open and receptive attitude. Eyes, ears, and head more level on shoulders. Relaxation of an over-focused posture or attitude. Improved reflexes, including Cross Crawl ability

Balance Buttons is a Brain Gym® integrative movement that accesses the Mid-Brain of the 3-Dimensional Brain.

Keywords associated with the Mid-Brain are: Emotions, Motivation, Centering, and Organization.

It is the part of the brain responsible for:
  • fight, flight, or freeze response
  • long term memory
  • sexuality and hormones
  • emotions
  • attention span
  • love, connection, and bonding
  • biorhythms, body temperature
  • blood pressure, sugar level

Balance ButtonsWith your eyes closed, hold two fingers of one hand on the indentation behind the ear at the base of the skull and rest the other hand on the navel.  Imagine that you’re breathing energy up the center of your body.  Change sides, hold the point behind the other ear and repeat.

Notice any improvement in your overall ability to find your balance?

Benefits of this Movement

Balance Buttons are a part of the Centering Dimension, which supports us in becoming centered and stabilized in our physical body.  This is so we can experience emotional balance and integrate our feelings, thoughts, and actions, i.e., “walk our talk”.

During periods of increased stress as adrenalin levels rise, a lowering of electrical potential across the nerve membrane occurs preparing the body for flight or fight.  In this state, the body reacts in survival mode as it focuses electrical energy away from the neocortex and to the sympathetic nervous system. Balance Buttons activate the neocortex. This results in refocusing electrical energy back to the reasoning centers of the brain, stimulating parasympathetic function, and decreasing the release of adrenalin. By increasing the electrical threshold across the nerve membrane, thought and action (mind + body) are re-coordinated.

What improves in daily life
  • Greater alertness
  • Easier decision-making
  • Improved concentration
  • Better balance and equilibrium
  • Improved listening attention on phone
  • More organized planning on the computer
  • Accurate recognition skills for math and spelling
  • Maintaining posture, confidence, and grounding
  • Release of motion sickness or inner ear pressure
  • Restored balance to the occipital and inner ear area
  • Balances all three-dimensions of the triune brain
  • Normalizes the whole body.
History of Movement

When Dr. Dennison and his office partner, Richard Tyler, D.C., did their clinical research with their students at the Valley Remedial Group Learning Center, Dr. Tyler taught the students that the Balance Buttons work to release deep levels of back-front ‘switching’ related to weak neck muscles, long term stress, or a head injury.  Dr. Dennison later recognized this syndrome as part of the tendon guard survival reflex, which prevents us from fully participating, either expressively or receptively, especially with regard to language.  It ultimately affects optimal performance and achievement.