Burhani Natural Science 
“Mission Healing”

Therapy Of The Week:  “Water Therapy”

Throughout our life we exist mostly as water,

* As a fetus, we were 99% water.
* At birth we were 90% water.
* Average human is 75% water.
* In old age we are about 50% water.
* 76% of the brain; 75% of the muscles; 82% of the blood; 90% of the lungs; 25% of the bones are made up of water.

Every structure, biochemical process, electric pulses within our bodies is touched and influenced by water.

The first cell of our existence is nourished by water, and the enzymes and hormones that guard our life float in this magnificent medium.
Water is truly the source of it all!

Let us learn more about water and our body function:
Water is the biological terrain of our human body,e.g If a tree has its roots in soil that is well fertilized and is hydrated and contains good sources of minerals, the tree will grow very well and strong.

But If that same tree is in the soil that contains artificial chemical fertilizers or ground that has lost its moisture or been soaked with acid rain, the tree will do very badly and will die before its time.
Here The soil is its “Biological Terrain”.

Our body’s Biological Terrain is basically the fluids that surround the trillions of cells in our bodies and that, ideally, nourishes them and let their waste flow away. If the cells are not adequately nourished or they are dehydrated or they aren’t able to get rid of their waste products, they will start to feed on the body itself as well as damage the immune system.

And in these days of processed foods full of chemicals and lacking enzymes, vegetables grown with pesticides, pollutants in the air, parasites in the food, poorly made vitamins and herbs etc. etc., our cells simply don’t get the nourishment that they need, plus they get the feed which they don’t need and due to this most of us end up with dehydrated cells.

Once the cells are dehydrated, it opens the doors to all kind of problems/diseases because body could not wash away the waste from our body.
In the average Biological Terrain, most people have a cellular environment that is extremely attractive to viruses, fungi, yeast, molds, microbes and parasites and an environment where these organisms flourish and attack our immune systems and steal the nourishment from our foods and supplements.
When we do not provide proper amount of water to body, then our brain draws water from our own body parts and transfer it to required part. In other words, the brain switches to survival mode. e.g in this process water is drawn from lungs leading to asthma, body joints leading to arthritis etc. etc.

As per Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, M.D, “You’re not sick; you’re thirsty.” 75% of all people are chronically dehydrated. In 37% of us, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.  Dehydration is the root cause of many health problems. e.g Neurological, Autoimmune Disorders, Heart problems, Migraines, Irritability in behavior, Trouble in concentrating, Liver problems, Kidney and Urinary infections, Stones, Respiratory issues etc.

Some of the early warning signs of dehydration are: Dry Lips, Dry Mouth, Dark colored urine, Muscle Cramps, Weakness, Decreased performance, Nausea, Headache, Fatigue, Dizziness, Difficulty paying attention.

Benefits of Water:
Water in its various forms (liquid, solid, steam) and temperatures (hot, cold, alternate, increasing or decreasing) is used to assist the body’s natural healing processes. Water taken internally provides natural healing ability to the body because every cell of the body should be wet in order to properly function (extract nutrients from food and get rid of toxins) and if we provide every cell the proper amount of water, all the physical/mental issues can be taken care of by the body itself. e.g Heartburn, Arthritis, Back pain, Angina (hearth pain), Gallstones, Constipation, Migraines, Colitis, Asthma, High blood pressure, Diabetes, High Cholesterol etc. etc. No one can list all the benefits of water.

Drinking Water:
First thing, wash your mouth, for mouth is the dirtiest part of your body. Remember this. Dirtiest part of your body is your mouth. Wash it first. And without tasting, drink enough water. No mercy here! I’m not telling you how much you can drink. So you fight every day for bowel movement and in bathroom stay for a long time. And children who stay for a long time, and mothers do not take care of that, suffer on account of many such diseases like piles. You don’t need any medicines for that. Four or five glasses of water in the morning. Drinking water in the morning is extremely important.
How much to Drink in Entire Day

Drink 1/2 your body weight (in lbs) of water in ounces, daily.  e.g 180 lb = 90 oz. of water daily. Divide that into 8 or 10 oz. glasses and that’s how many glasses you will need to drink daily. Soda, coke, tea, coffee, vitamin water, water with lime/salt/sugar, water stored in fruits, juices does NOT come under water category. In-fact, sodas, coke etc. dehydrate our body instead of hydration. Therefore, make sure that we take plain water without adding anything in it.
The best indicator of our water needs comes from the color and odor of urine because the body concentrates urine in order to conserve water. This means that the more concentrated the urine is, the greater the bodies’ dehydration. Naturally, urine should be clear like water and odor free, not dark colored or having a stench.

**Do not drink ice-cold water; always take water at room temperature.
**Water should be drunk in small quantities, a sip at a time, with short intervals between. Hold water in your mouth (under tongue) for maximum absorption.
**After  meal do not eat/drink anything for 40 minutes. Afterwards  drink stomach full water. It is very helpful to maintain good health.

Body Cleanse Method:
As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160 ml glasses of water at room temperature. Those who cannot drink 4 glasses may start by taking little water and gradually increasing to 4 glasses.
Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes.

Water administered to Skin:
Water administered to skin sets the stimulus via the nervous system (nerve receptors in the skin) to elicit a reaction from the body. It is therefore very healthy to take bath with cold water, hot water (in some cases), alternate hot/cold. If one cannot take full body cold bath, then next best option is Hand/Arm bath. Bottom line is to stimulate the nervous system.

List of Formulae/Procedures under this Topic:

  • Cold Water Bath

A cold water treatment has a special tonic-like magic of exerting a rejuvenative and healing effect on the entire system. It stimulates circulation and increases muscle tone and nerve force. It stimulates the entire glandular system. It improves digestion and speeds up general metabolism. It will increase resistance to infections and colds, if used regularly. It has a powerful influence on the central nervous system, on the brain and on all the vital organs of the body. It increases the blood count, as shown in actual studies. It has an electro-magnetic effect on the body, stimulating the flow of life energies and increasing intake of oxygen to a remarkable degree.
Cold water can help reduce even the highest fever, relieve thirst, act as a stimulant, diuretic, and anesthetic, relieve pain, and reduce constipation, increases blood pressure, and aid the elimination of toxins from the body. Cold water is restorative, reenergizing, and helps build resistance to disease.

The temperature of the water should be as cold as you can comfortably tolerate, or within 50-65 degree Fahrenheit. Cold water bath should not be more than 3 minutes. After bath rub your body with a coarse towel and put on dry clothes without any delay. Always start the cold water bath on the right foot, far away from the heart. Moreover, if you are taking shower, regulate the force of the water stream to be as forceful as possible. The harder the stream, the greater the therapeutic value of the shower. A cold shower can be taken twice a day.

  • Hot Water Bath

Hot water bath is sedating, relaxing, and would help to lower the blood pressure. The temperature of water should be as hot as you can comfortably tolerate or within 97-110 degree Fahrenheit. After bath rub your body with a coarse towel and put on dry clothes without any delay. Moreover, if you are taking shower, regulate the force of the water stream to be as forceful as possible. The harder the stream, the greater the therapeutic value of the shower.

  • Alternate Hot/Cold Bath

Alternate Hot-and-Cold water shower stimulate all the body functions, but particularly the adrenal and other endocrine glands, and reactivate their functions. Another most important organ system affected is the circulatory system. With Hot water application arteries and veins widen, the blood pressure sinks, more blood loaded with oxygen is flowing into the treated area. If the hot treatment is followed by a cold application, the reaction is the opposite: veins and arteries narrow, the blood pressure rises again and heart and lungs work harder to process the increased blood flow.

This alternate water treatment helps to strengthen the circulatory system and the heart muscle, regulating blood pressure and increasing detoxification of the blood as the carrier of toxins in exchange for fresh oxygen. This is now transported to every single cell in the body, increasing its life, enhancing the quality and speed in building new ones. An increase in the number of fighter cells of the immune system has been established by blood tests over a 3 to 21 day course of water treatments in clinics in Germany and Austria.

The procedure is: The temperature of cold and hot water should be as comfortable as you can tolerate or within 50-65 degree Fahrenheit (for cold water) and 97-110 degree Fahrenheit (for hot water). First take a warm shower starting for about 3 to 5 minutes, to warm up the body. Then switch rapidly to cold water for about 10-15 seconds. Switch back to warm water for 3 to 5 minutes. Make 3 changes, always finishing with cold water. After the shower, warm yourself up by rubbing (until skin turns red) with a coarse bath towel and put on dry clothes without any delay.

  • Foot Bath

A foot bath is an excellent treatment for colds, chronic headaches, neuritis, catarrh, sinusitis, cold feet, poor circulation, nervous disorders and congestion in the abdomen and pelvic organs.
You need 2 small tubs for this bath. Fill one with hot water, 97 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit; the other with cold water, 50 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Water should be 8 to 12 inches deep. Place feet in hot tub for 3 to 5 minutes. Switch to cold water tub for 30 seconds. Repeat twice.

  • Hand/Arm Bath

It is also very beneficial in heart conditions, rheumatic conditions in hands and arms, bursitis and neuritis.
Use 2 small tubs, or one large wash basin and an extra tub. Fill one with hot water, 97 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit; the other with cold 50 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep arms, preferably deeper than the elbows, in hot water for 5 minutes, then in cold for 15 seconds. Repeat 3 times. If you cannot take arm bath, then use only hands.

  • Cold Hip Bath

The cold hip bath has a stimulating and invigorating effect on the reproductive organs and the spine. It is popularly called ‘youth bath’, because of its rejuvenative effect as the result of increasing blood circulation to the vital centers.

The procedure is: Use the regular bath tub in your home. The temperature of water should be as cold as you can comfortably tolerate or within 50-65 degrees Fahrenheit. Fill the bath tub with water about 8 inches high or a little less than half-full. Sit in tub with your knees drawn up so that only the hips are covered by the water. The duration of the bath should be 3 to 5 minutes. After the bath, rub yourself warm with a coarse bath towel and put on dry clothes without any delay.
If a cold hip bath is given to a patient in very weak condition, it is advisable to place his feet in a small tub or pan filled with warm water. A cold hip bath can be taken 2 or 3 times a week.

  • Hot Hip Bath

Hot hip bath is beneficial for relieving pain and inflammation in the reproductive organs and other organs of the pelvic region.
The procedure is: Use the regular bath tub in your home. The temperature of water should be as hot as can be comfortably tolerated or within 97-110 degrees Fahrenheit. Fill the bath tub with water about 8 inches high or a little less than half-full. Sit in tub with your knees drawn up so that only the hips are covered by the water. The duration of the bath should be 3 to 5 minutes. After the bath, rub yourself warm with a coarse bath towel and put on dry clothes without any delay. This bath can be taken for 2 or 3 times a week.

  • Alternate Hot/Cold Hip Bath

The alternate hot-and-cold bath has great therapeutic value in most internal disorders. Not only organs and glands of the pelvic region are stimulated and revitalized, but practically all body functions are beneficially affected. The bath is especially beneficial for all who have lowered vitality.
The procedure is: Fill one tub with cold water (as cold as bearable or within 50-65 degrees Fahrenheit) and another tub with hot water (as hot as bearable or within 97-110 degrees Fahrenheit). Sit in tub with your knees drawn up so that only the hips are covered by the water. Sit in hot water first for 5 minutes, then switch to cold water for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat twice. After the bath, rub yourself warm with a coarse bath towel and put on dry clothes without any delay. This bath can be taken for 2 or 3 times a week.

  • Steam Bath

Steam is available by boiling water, using a vaporizer or humidifier, or utilizing either home or professional steam room, or sauna, installations. Steam increase skin action and creates perspiration, which in turn cleanses the body from within. Hot steam from a vaporizer eases chest congestion. Skin is the largest organ for elimination, and simple immersion in a long hot bath or a sauna can stimulate excretion of toxins from the body through the skin. The inducing of perspiration is useful in treating acute diseases and many chronic health problems. Steam also penetrates into the lungs and respiratory tract to release phlegm, and opens the pores of the skin to release copious quantities of sweat. After the bath, rub yourself warm with a coarse bath towel and put on dry clothes without any delay. Steam baths and saunas are contraindicated in acute infections, inflammations and fevers.

  • Cold Eye Wash

Eye wash is very helpful for relaxation and eye problems. It helps in headaches. You can use cold water for eye wash. Splash cold water 3 or 4 times in eyes daily. Or Use eye wash glasses to wash your eyes.

  • Salt Water Bath

Of all natural living waters, salt sear water has the greatest curative power. Plato said, “The Sea cures all ailments of man.” Sea water is extremely rich in all the beneficial minerals. It can be taken internally, 2 tablespoon, as a mineral supplement or as a Sole. Minerals are absorbed through the skin during ocean bathing and even by inhaling mineral rich air by the seashore.
If you are note fortunate enough to live by the seashore, here is an easy do-it-yourself salt water bath which you can enjoy right in your own bathtub. Dissolve four pounds of sea salt in a tub half-full of cool water, Enjoy salt-water by rubbing yourself briskly, then drying yourself warm with a coarse towel.
Warning: Do not buy the sea salt from super-market as it is not what is supposed to be. Either use ‘Himalayan/Pink Salt’ or ‘Celtic Salt’.


Dr Fatema Mandviwala 
