Mission Healing
************************What is oil pulling?

oil pulling or oil swishing, is an ancient ayurvedic simple cost effective natural remedy procedure that involves pulling or swishing oil in the mouth for oral and systemic health benefits.

It is mentioned in the Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita where it is called Kavala Gandusha or Kavala Graha and is claimed to cure about 30 systemic diseases ranging from headache, migraine to diabetes and asthma.

Oil pulling has risen from an incomprehensible, ancient  Ayurvedic  natural remedy technique to an  effective self help nature cure  method for restoring and maintaining overall  health.

Please read oil-pulling method to learn how to do oil pulling.

The effect of this healing process is developed by the intense movement of oil in the oral cavity. In many chronic disorders and germ-play and inflammatory foci, which tend to stick to the tooth roots. The teeth and their roots extend far into the jaw bone and their cavities. These cavities are the body’s own defense system. Microbes that enter the tooth necks in these cavities found in this damp, warm and poorly vascularized environment, the ideal condi-tions in order to establish itself. It developed what are known as “dental foci” that damage the body with their metabolic products. The immune system is weak, then the herd size and load. Larger lesions are radiographically visible, they not only damage to the teeth and cross-charge your metabolism and the immune system, but rather they also have remote effects on internal organs. Loaded so that each tooth hob tooth a specially assigned to internal organ.

The movement of the sunflower oil in the mouth causes a marked mucosal and tissue perfusion. Vitamins and minerals of sunflower oil to be absorbed by the mucous membranes during the same time, oil seeds to the necks of teeth and gums absorbs toxins and removes them from the body. ( read one more theory in oil-pulling science)

The oil pulling is the balance of microflora restore cells, tissues and organs can regenerate.
The oil pulling helps with general immune weakness syndromes in long-term physical and psychological states of weakness and the diseases that can result from it.

According to Dr. F. Karach are reports of unprecedented success with the method of oil pulling on the following diseases: Headaches, bronchitis, thrombosis, chronic blood disorders, arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, eczema, stomach ulcers, chronic intestinal diseases, heart and Nierenbe complaints, gynecological illnesses, neurological diseases and liver diseases Preventively at the same time the hen-interference suppression of life-threatening growths (cancer) is prevented.

oilpulling has its roots in Ayurveda which dates back an estimated 5,000-10,000 years and is widely considered to be the oldest form of health care in the world. The knowledge of Ayurveda spread out from India and influenced the ancient Chinese system, Unani medicine, and the humoral medicine practiced by Hippocrates in Greece.

To understand how oilpulling works, we need to understand how Ayurveda works and its basic principles.

Ayurveda is made of two root Sanskrit words:


The purpose of each practice is to help the individual to achieve longevity, rejuvenation and self-realisation, the final goal of this life. Both Ayurveda and Yoga serve as means of harmonizing the physical body so that the powers of our inner consciousness can come into action through it. It is a timeless science since it is based on the eternal wisdom.

DETAILS OF OIL PULLINGoil pulling is very simple, completely harmless, and inexpensive unlike most of medical treatment. The cost is the price of a daily spoonful of vegetable oil—cheaper than even a vitamin tablet. Yet it is one of the most powerful forms of therapy. one astonishing fact about this therapy is it is the simplest of all the natural remedies and won the confidence of millions of people all around the world. we have received over the years and multitude of testimonies on the effectiveness indicate that oil pulling method is a sure winner in the natural remidies area. The sheer volume of responses is an indicative of the fact that, this therapy needs to be taken seriously.

we      did lot of research on this method and strongly believe in making this method available to every one with out putting any spin on the original Dr.F.Karach recommendation. Hence caution you not to waste any money on any book or spend countless hours studying about this.

For those who wants to learn more we have made a FREE Book available to download.

The most obvious result of oil pulling is improved dental health. Teeth become whiter, gums pinker and healthier looking, and breath fresher. That alone makes it worthwhile. What is really remarkable is that the health benefits don’t stop there. Many health problems, including those which medical science has yet to find cures for, are also improved or completely cured. Oil pulling has the potential to help with just about any illness or chronic condition.

Dr. F. Karach, M.D., presented a paper before the All-Ukrainian Association. The meeting was attended by oncologists and bacteriologists belonging to the Academy of Science of the USSR. Dr. Karach explained an unusual simple healing process using cold-pressed oils.The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt concerning the contents of his report. However, after further examining the workings of the oil pulling therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its validity and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be achieved with this absolutely harmless biological healing method. This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects.The exciting factor of this oilpulling healing method is its simplicity.

It consists of swishing or pulling cold-pressed oil in the mouth
( Sunflower or Seasme, Pl. note you don’t need to go for organic oils only, A normal refined sunflower oil bought from any supermarket proven to be effective in many people). The healing process is accomplished by the human organism on its own. ( Read more at What is oil pulling) In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously, the body itself gets rid of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy microflora. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. They could potentially live healthy to be 140 to 150 years old.

Oilpulling Method Step by Step

Step1: First thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before drinking any liquids (including water), pour exactly one tablespoon of sunflower or sesame oil (or whatever oil you have chosen) into your mouth. We don’t receommend doing this process at any other time. Children can also do this with less quantity of oil provided they have control and practice not to swallow the oil.Step 2: Swish the oil around in your mouth without swallowing it. Move it around in your mouth and through your teeth, as if it was mouthwash (don’t tilt your head back to gargle though). You’ll find that the oil will start to get watery as your saliva mixes with it. Keep swishing.If your jaw muscles get sore while swishing, you’re putting too much into it. Relax your jaw muscles and use your tongue to help move the liquid around the inside of your mouth. When you do this correctly, you’ll feel very comfortable. Pretty soon.There is no right way or wrong way to swish and pull oil. Don’t focus on doing it right. Do it with very natural movement. Do this gently, not vigorously, in a relaxed way for about 20 minutes.If you have the unbearable urge to swallow and If it becomes too unpleasant, spit out and try again. It can be a bit unpleasant at first when you’re not used to it, but soon won’t be bothersome at all, just like brushing your teeth.When the oil has become saturated with the toxins it has pulled out, it may become whitish and a thinner, milky consistency, depending on the type of oil used. Each time you oil pull, it can take a different amount of time to get to that point, so 20 minutes is a general rule of thumb, but you can experiment with this.If you spit out before 20 minutes. start again, the process is to make the oil swish enough time in your mouth so that it becomes a white thik substance which is a indication of process completion.

Step3: As the end of the oil pulling session approaches, Spit the oil out, then rinse the mouth with warm salt water. ( Just use normal table salt). Salt water rinsing isn’t absolutely necessary, but is very helpful as an antimicrobial and to soothe any inflammation and proven to be effective in rinsing out any toxins which may be left out in the mouth.You can do the oil pulling every morning if you like, or several times a week. Because oilpulling method can be detoxifying, you might want to take a break sometimes. One immediate benefit everyone gets is, whiter teeth, clean mouth . There’s no rule about frequency – judge according to your own experience.Pl. understand that this process works better in the morning. Don’t try to do this any time of the day. If for some reason it is absolutely not possible for you to pratice this method in the morning, you can do this on an empty stomach at any time of the day. Empty stomach means the food is digested completely. Ideally after three or four hours of you taking any food. ( Lot depends on the food you are eating).

Oilpulling Method common questions and concerns:

Q: Should I brush before Oilpulling?
No, there’s no need to. It’s important to brush after oilpulling and clean the mouth thoroughly after toxins are drawn out with salt and water as explained before.Q: When oil becomes white after 5 min? 10 min? 15 min???There’s no rule of thumb different oils will behave differently, so,pl. don’t pay attention to when the oil becomes white. Do the oilpulling for 20 min and you shall notice that oil becomes white.Q: I was only able to do it for about few minutes, Is it normal?.
It is very common for many. Because we are not tuned take oil in our mouth and for first few times there would be some difficulty. But pl. note you would be amazed by how quickly you can get used to it! It helps if you think about keeping the oil around your teeth and not toward the back of your mouth. Keeping the head tilted down a bit can help with that. Five minutes may be all you need, but you may also be able to increase thetime because it will become more comfortable. Experiment and you’ll find out what works best for you.

Q: I can’t help swallowing a little during OP. Is that harmful?
If you need to swallow a bit during oilpulling, the toxins being drawn out can usually be handled by the digestive system and eliminated properly. When you feel the urge to swallow, just spit the whole thing and restart.

Q: I could only do OP for a few minutes, as my mouth was getting tired.
You’re probably doing it too vigorously. Just Relax and do the swishing in a more relaxed way.

Q: Reasons for doing oilpulling on empty stomach
First, it helps not to have a full stomach if you get a little queasy from the oil pulling experience before you get used to it. Second, the detoxifying effect is a bit stimulating, whereas digestion involves the parasympathetic nervous system, so those are opposite functions. Eating something light may not be a problem, and you can judge by how you feel. If you can oil pull first thing in the morning, that takes care of that problem.

Q: After oilpulling it never turns in to white
The idea is , The viscosity and color should change significantly, but the color depends on so many factors, and can even be slightly different each time. A milky or creamy color is fine.

Oil Pulling Results
The result of this healing research has attracted amazement and resulted in further research. This additional research concerning Oil Therapy has now been thoroughly documented, especially with regard to physiological similarities between individuals. It is surprising that through this biological healing method a wide variety of symptoms have unquestionably disappeared without any side-effects. This simple method makes it possible completely heal such a wide variety of diseases which would normally be treated by an operation or by powerful or potent Drugs, usually with significant side-effects.The simplicity of this healing system in which Oil is swirled backwards and forwards in the mouth, is due to the stimulating effect which it has on the body’s eliminatory system.Through this method it is possible to heal individual cells, cell conglomerates such as lymph nodes and more complex tissues such as internal organs simultaneously. This occurs because the beneficial microflora throughout the body are provided with a healthy continuum. Without this natural bodily intrusive element evinced by the microflora the usual pattern of human health tends to lean towards illness rather than wellness.Dr. Karach anticipates that regular application of this treatment by reversing this process so that wellness is the dominant state of the human body is likely to increase the average human lifespan to approximately 150 years, double the present life expectancy.Dr. Karach is supported in this view by other colleagues in the world. By means of this oil pulling treatment. it is invariably the result that diseases like migraine headaches, bronchitis, diseased teeth, arterio thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neuro physiological paralysis, eczema, gastro enteritis, peritonitis, heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women’s hormonal disorders are completely eliminated from the organism.The benefit of Dr. Karach’s method is that the oil therapy heals the whole body in perpetuity. In terminal diseases such as cancer, Aids and chronic infections this treatment method has been shown to successfully replace all others. Dr. Karach has successfully healed a chronic leukemia patient with 15 years of harsh treatment methods behind him. Acute arthritis in 1 patient who was totally bedridden was removed from his body in 3 days with no inflammation apparent.

NOTE: The recommended oils to use are Sunflower Oil, Seasme Oil. We are receiving many emails about which oil to use. Our experience with thousands of people across the globe says USE COLD PRESSED OIL as first choice, if it is not available use REFINED OIL ( which seems to be effective in the process too). We have observed that any oil other than SUNFLOWER or SEASME may not be effective.

Watch “Oil pulling: Beyond Belief Health Benefits” on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ_MpgzHKrA&feature=youtube_gdata_player